Sold 1 oz. by weight
When charged for 3-4 hours these two will glow for up to 4 hours:
Dreamy Draw Crash - BLUE
Route Six Six - GREEN
When charged for 4-5 hours these two will glow for up to 8-10 hours:
Aurora - White/White
Bird Cage - White/Magenta
When charged for 4-5 hours these two will glow for up to 5-6 hours:
Phoenix Lights - White/Teal
Roswell - Yellow/Yellow
It is strongly recommend that you do a sample test with the application you are using to apply this product. All solvents created differently, the ratio of powder to solvent will vary for each application. To avoid wasting this valuable powder, we recommend doing a sample test to determine the optimal ratio.
In my test I found a mixture of 1:4 ratio (1-powder : 4-epoxy) was ideal in providing maximal glow without waste.
When starting with a new product we recommend you keep your batches small as not all epoxies are created equal. Once you determine the best mix ratio, you can work your way up to a larger batch.